Everything in Free +
Scoring Rules Prioritize prospects with positive or negative scores
Workflows Automate record convertion using Workflow rules
Multiple Pipelines Build custom pipelines to suit your unique sales processes
Mass Email Send bulk emails to reach a large number of your customers
Custom Dashboards Represent and summarize CRM data based upon your business requirements
Everything in Standard +
SalesSignals Get real-time customer notifications
Blueprint Manage every stage of your offline and online business process
Web-to-Case Forms Convert support tickets to cases and ensure follow-up
Validation Rules Ensure better quality of incoming customer information
Inventory Management Price books, quotes, invoices, purchase orders
Everything in Professional +
Zia AI Conversational AI assistant, prediction and suggestions
CommandCenter Personalize your customer journeys at every stage of the lifecycle
Canvas Visual CRM view for increased adoption
Multi-user Portals Customer, vendor and partner portals
Advanced Customization Page layouts, Custom modules, buttons, web-tabs, sandbox
Mobile SDK & MDM Build and distribute custom mobile apps
Everything in Enterprise +
Advanced BI - bundled with Zoho Analytics Bundled with Zoho Analytics' Premium Edition: Best-in-class BI and analytics software
Enhanced Feature Limits Highest possible feature limits - API, territories, rules, data enrichment, page layouts, portals, web forms, roles, profiles, social brands, etc.
30-day Trial