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Machine Planning Processes

Utilising manufacturing ERP software will help you cut costs and inefficiencies across the board. Gain cost savings as you plan more effectively using precise resource and machine planning procedures.

Quality Control

Improve customer happiness, provide superior products, respond quickly to non-conformance, quickly detect and fix problems.

Production Management

To increase corporate efficiency and fulfil deadlines, simplify complex production processes and automate them.

Customer Management

For successful marketing and to improve customer service interactions, convert prospects into customers, increase sales, and achieve high levels of customer satisfaction.

Services Management

Maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction requires rapid, effective responses to consumer inquiries. For your business to grow successfully, manage warranty and service agreements with clients well.

Purchasing & Procurement

A methodical approach to controlling the entire order-to-pay cycle including the procurement process. To negotiate better bargains and find possibilities for cost-conscious bargain hunters, compare suppliers and prices.

Inventory and Warehouse Management

The system streamlines the entire supply chain, from procurement to order fulfillment, ensuring smooth operations and minimizing costly errors. With advanced inventory tracking, you can easily trace the movement of items, monitor stock levels, and generate comprehensive reports for better decision-making.

Accounting & Financial Management

By integrating your financial operation in real time with other business activities, such as buy and sales, you may speed up transactions and increase insight into cash flow.

Sales & Opportunity Management

To provide better visibility and control over your sales process, use Dimexa ERP to track and monitor leads, opportunities, and customer contacts in a centralised system. In order to ensure that no opportunity is lost, the system offers effective lead acquisition, allowing you to gather and nurture leads from diverse sources.
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