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Customer Service

With immediate access to on-hand amounts, reserve inventory, past commitments, scheduled receipts, and other important information, the Sales Orders offer visibility into all inventory locations. With the help of sales orders, you may confidently estimate delivery dates and determine the customer's creditworthiness before submitting the purchase.

Flexible Pricing and Discounting

Pricing based on list prices is supported by the CRM software module for Dimexa Sales Orders. Based on the effective dates, pricing modifications can be planned. Through customer and item classes and price groups, even the most complicated pricing schemes may be made simpler and more automated.

Special Item Processing

The solution also enables you to take orders for special items. The Sales Orders CRM module supports “one-time” items or items built to custom specifications as well as related project billing for labor and materials.

Customer Profile

Important customer profile data is provided by sales orders for order entry, product distribution, and billing. Payment terms, carrier and freight handling methods, as well as credit status and rules, are all governed by this information. Additionally, the solution keeps track of client data by geography, enabling you to set up specific bill-to, ship-to, and payment office locations.

Financial Visibility

You can manage your money by using the information provided by Dimexa Sales Orders. For individual queries or comprehensive reports, each sales order has its own total of on-order and open quantities. As the items are shipped, the cost of sales is determined. Inventory-related period statements, credits, and returns are all kept track of for reporting purposes. To report total anticipated revenue by period, open sales order totals are increased and compiled.

Multinational Support

To assist international organisations, the CRM solution enables you to submit orders in any currency. For financial reporting, the module automatically converts orders into your "home" currency while accounting for rate efficacy and exchange rate volatility. Value-added taxes (VAT) is supported by Sales Orders as well.

Consigned Inventory

Consigned inventory replenishment procedures are supported by Sales Orders. You can arrange ownership transfer for billing purposes and ship merchandise to consigned customer locations using this module. Sales Orders give clients access to all consigned inventory, their consumption history, and shipment status when used with the Dimexa Customer Portal.
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